The technological advancements of the past few decades have been great for every form of business. At one side of the story, they have ensured that thousands of new companies have arisen, but on the other hand they have also ensured an enormous improvement within the existing companies. The new companies are of course a lot more visible for the people outside of the companies than the improvements within the existing companies. This is directly the main reason that in this blog we’re going to talk exclusively about the improvements within organizations. We’ll only focus on the improvements that are based on technological developments in the past decades!

Procure to pay systems

In recent years, some very big and complicated forms of software found their way into different multinationals. One of the most advanced pieces of software that got introduced is the procure to pay. This software links the whole of business processes together. Because all business processes can be found in one piece of software, maximum efficiency can be achieved. This makes the bottlenecks in the organization identifiable and a lot easyer to remove from the organization!


The processes surrounding invoice management are a headache for many companies. This is because invoicing does not directly contribute to the business of the company. It is essential though to make a business run smoothly. Processing, drawing up and paying invoices is therefore a process that must be done flawlessly and as efficiently as possible. That is why more and more people are opting for an online invoicing system. Invoices can be automatically drawn up here and reminder invoices are also automatically sent. The invoices are also automatically linked to the incoming payments. This saves you a lot of time and work, leaving you more time for the jobs that actually bring in money! The number of parties that offer invoicing systems has grown enormously in recent years. This has resulted in competition not only in terms of supply, but also in terms of price! This has caused a huge price drop. In 2021 you already have a well-functioning invoicing system for a few tens of euros per month.