Multi-language Websites
A multi-language website refers to a site that has the capability and capacity to use more than one language. Multi-language websites could exist in different forms. A site offers language selection but only presents content in a single language at a time. It is also possible for the multi-language website to mix several languages on a single page. This could happen if there is a need to embed foreign text or if the site audience/visitor is most likely to be multi-lingual. Multi-language websites could be of two forms, international websites, and multi-lingual websites. The main difference between the two sites is, international websites navigate you via region or country selections as well as language while multi-lingual websites just direct the user to language selection. There are approximately 7000 languages spoken around the world, and this makes multi-language sites extremely vital.
Multi-language Website Design
If you want your users to view content on your website in multiple languages, but you do not have the resources, no need to fret. You can put your worries to sleep and go for google translate. Google translate will add a multi-language switcher on your website for users to have a language selection, and your content will be translated with the aid of google translate. The only limitation of this tool is that the quality of the translations might not be up to your expected standards.
One of the best ways to counter this limitation is the manual translation of your content. This approach will enable you to maintain the desired quality on your website. You can hire professionals to do that or translate the content yourself. The good news about this approach is, you don’t need to have separate WordPress or multi-site installs for each language. You will experience the ease of translation of your pages, WordPress posts, categories, themes, and tags into as many languages as to your liking. Interesting right?
The type of business you operate has a considerable impact on whether you should have a multi-language website or not. Let’s see what kind of companies should have such sites as essential.
If you operate a global e-commerce company, having your website in multiple languages is a no brainer if you sell your goods and services globally. Research has proven that businesses that offer translated websites record more sales than single language websites.
If your country of operation speaks more than one language, for instance, a country like Canada speaks English and French. You need to make sure your website caters for everyone to maximize your sales.
You operate in the tourism industry
If you are looking forward to improving your search traffic and SEO
If your google analytics data shows that there is a need for your website to be a multi-lingual website.